Can I add videos of my own choice?
Yes, you can add videos of your own. 
  • Videos in mp4 format can be uploaded
  • Each Video size should not exceed 25mb
  • For better viewing Video resolution should be 16:9
  • Maximum 10 Videos will be allowed in "Your Videos"
  • Medico Excellence reserves right to disallow videos with objectionable content and Copyright violation and remove them
How many videos can I add?
Maximum 10 Videos will be allowed in "Your Videos"
Why is there no audio?
Concept behind My Showcase is to promote your practice in a silent way. This will avoid unnecessary disturbance of sound in the waiting area.
My video size is more than 300MB. Why can’t I upload videos of higher file size?
  • Firstly, the videos of higher file size will take longer to download during display and may not run in real time.
  • Secondly, the videos for My Showcase should have time length of not more than 3-4 minutes to make them useful during short span of attention of persons in the waiting room.
Can I play it on more than one TV in my clinic?
The license issued for “My Showcase” is for single TV Display.  For every additional TV Display you will have to opt for additional license.
I have two clinics at two different locations? Can I play it in both my clinics at the same cost?
For every additional TV Display you will have to opt for additional license irrespective of location of your Practice.
How can I prepare the Play list of my own?
Please click here to watch our Video Tutorial 
How can I change my password?
Please click here to watch our Video Tutorial 
How can I change my Practice Name?
Please click here to watch our Video Tutorial 
Can I increase the speed of the videos?
You may increase the speed of the videos, however we recommend not to do so, because this TV Display is for passive reading and silent marketing purpose and not intended for quick patient education.
Same videos are displayed repeatedly. Will my patient’s not get bored seeing the same videos repeatedly?
The videos in “My Showcase” are on variety of topics and choosing them is your choice. The probability of same patient seeing the same video and remembering it is too remote.  

However, repeated display of some of the topics will have more impact on patient’s response, namely, videos explaining Damage Due to Non-replacement of Missing Teeth, Proper Brushing method, Parental Guidance benefitting their children, etc,.

What are the requirements to display My-Showcase?
  • A SMART TV (TV with internet connection) is required. This is an online programme and will open in a Browser. 
  • It does not require very high internet speed.  (Internet speed of 50Mbps should suffice in most cases) 
  • If your internet speed is slow keep running “My Showcase" for at least half an hour so that the videos selected in your playlist get downloaded in your TV memory.  This will make the subsequent run of your playlist smooth.


What are the Terms & Conditions to display My-Showcase in Waiting Room?

  • No part of the contents of “My Showcase” shall be displayed in public and or including Dental Camps, Social Media, Cable TV, You Tube.
  • Display of “My Showcase” is strictly within the practice area of the Dentist in whose name it is licensed.
  • All users are most welcome to give suggestions in respect of display as well as contents. Medico Excellence will incorporate the suggestions based on priorities and usefulness for practicing dentists. 
  • Medico Excellence does not give any guarantee or assurance of any specific content in future updates of “My Showcase”.